

Causes of Prostate Cancer

Do you know about causes of prostate cancer? 

More importantly, is there anything you can do to avoid it? The fact is that the cause is still unknown. There are certain risk factors that make it more likely. New research is also looking at the personal environment where we work and live. At this point, your diet is the most important thing you can change to improve your odds. Let's take a closer look at the current thinking about what causes this type of cancer.

What Causes Prostate Cancer -What Can You Do About It?

Causes Prostate 

In this age of research and knowledge, it is difficult to accept that the cause of this type of cancer is unknown. In fact, what we really understand are the various risk factors that make cancer more likely. Age is an important risk factor. As men age, their chance of developing prostate cancer increases. Prostate cancer is more likely in certain ethnic groups. Heredity is another strong risk factor – if you have a family history of prostate cancer, you're more likely to develop it too.

The latest research is taking a closer look at the environmental factors that cause this type of cancer. The idea is that prostate cancer may be linked to things you're exposed to where you live or work. For example, farmers who are exposed to chemicals in fertilizers and pesticides are more likely to develop prostate cancer. Miners are also exposed to various chemicals and substances that increase their risk of cancer.

Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about your age, race, or heritage. And you may have limited choices when it comes to your job or the area in which you live. Is there anything you can really do to reduce your risk of prostate cancer? As it turns out, making changes to your diet can improve your chances of staying prostate cancer-free. Foods you should avoid or reduce include red meat, dairy products, and processed foods. What should you eat instead? Fruits, vegetables, and any foods high in antioxidants are great choices.

The problem that medical research 

It is a problem that medical research will one day find out what causes this type of cancer. However, the answer still remains a mystery. Being older and having a family history puts you at higher risk. Working in farming or mining is also a factor. But you can make a difference by making changes to your diet. This will help you stay healthy until we have a better understanding of what causes of prostate cancer.

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