

Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Treatment by Hormone

Depending on how high-level prostate cancer is, there are different treatment options. If caught quickly, prostate cancer can often be treated successfully ، But once it spreads in the surrounding bone, treatment is often impossible. In this situation, treatment focuses on reducing symptoms and prolonging life.

Prostate Cancer Treatment by Hormone

Prostate cancer is slowly developing cancer, and it can take 15 years to spread from the prostate gland to the surrounding bone. Because of this, many men die of other causes without knowing that they have cancer. There are many different treatment options, and if prostate cancer is diagnosed you will consult experts. Although the final decision for your treatment will always be your own.

Option 1 - Waiting to see:

 If cancer is diagnosed very quickly when there is no sign ، It may be possible to wait to see if there are any symptoms. Due to the slow growth of prostate cancer, it is often advised for older men.

Option 2 - Active Waiting:

This is like option 1 but is recommended for small men. Cancer will be monitored for symptoms that are spreading outside the prostate. If so, then treatment will be needed. If this does not happen, it will not be necessary to go through treatment at all.

Option 3 - Treatment: 

There are many options if cancer requires treatment, including "radical prostate" where the prostate is removed, Radiotherapy where cancer cells are killed by radiation, hormone therapy and chemotherapy. Everyone has their own side effects, and you will always be given the choice to whether you want to get a special treatment.

As I have said, there are many different possible treatments for prostate cancer, and hormone treatment is one of them. It is often used with other treatments such as before or after radiotherapy. This increases the chances of success of other treatments. However, in some cases it is used itself because it can slow down the growth of prostate cancer, while also reduces symptoms.

How does hormone treatment work?

Testosterone uses ( hormone ) to grow prostate cancer ، Therefore, by reducing the amount of testosterone or preventing its effects in the body, cancer may be eliminated or slow. In general, testosterone does not cause any problems ، But if there are cancer cells in the prostate, they grow or shrink when they no longer have access to it.

Potential side effects of prostate cancer hormone treatment: sweating, fatigue, weight gain, loss of sexual desire. This is due to a lack of testosterone, but the hormone is usually passed after the treatment is over. The second side effect is a change in mode - some men become depressed during hormone therapy, and find themselves more emotional than usual. This can put an extra pressure on not only the man but also the people around them.


Hormone treatment is often used in conjunction with other treatments, and your expert will be able to advise you on the best way in practice. Other treatments may include "radical prostatectomy" that removes prostate glands, and radiotherapy that seeks to kill cancer cells using radiation. Everyone has their own set of potential side effects

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