How Common Is Prostate Cancer?
In most parts of the Western world, the second main cause of cancer deaths is prostate cancer. Men have one in five chances of diagnosing prostate cancer while women have one of eight breast cancer opportunities. Yet people are very familiar with the symptoms, symptoms and treatments of breast cancer. Probably because the government fund for breast cancer research is much more than the amount spent on prostate cancer!
We don't yet know why prostate cancer is produced or exactly what it is. Age is a significant increase in your risk at the age of the older factor (, but diet, genetics and environmental factors also contribute.
Prostate cancer is rare before the age of 50. The number of cases in men aged 70 or older increases dramatically. Then when we are alive for more days, more and more people are falling into this risk group.
We know that a high-fat diet, combined with a lack of exercise, leads to obesity. It also increases your risk of cancer development. Prostate cancer in countries like Japan, like breast cancer, is very rare. You can think it was the result of genetics. But when Japanese men go to the United States and change their diet to our basically high-fat diet ، Their incidence of the disease increases significantly. In Japanese families of the second and third generation, men contracting the disease are less likely than their European counterparts.
Did you know that these are not just men who suffer from prostate cancer, so even domestic dogs do. Some medical ties believe that this proves that food is a factor because dogs can be fed the same food as their human owners.
Some races are at high risk of this type of cancer but whether it depends on the race or insufficient screening cannot be determined yet. In the United States, the threat to African Americans is almost double their neighbours.
Swedish men are more at risk than German men who in turn are more at risk than Israelis in developing the disease. Why? No one is sure but it appears that some of the factors involved in diet, sun exposure and soil content may be.
Age, diet and race prostricet play a role in the risk of cancer development. In fact, some people will believe that if he survives for a long time, everyone will eventually get this form of cancer. This way of thinking is probably very dangerous because it can prevent people from finding and benefiting from cancer screening.