

Skin Cancer-Immediate treatment of skin cancer

Basics of Skin Cancer

Once upon a time, when cancer was a disease that was considered rare and something that was almost not heard for most people. Today, doctors compete with a growing number of people who are affected by it. What is worrying is that there are many types of cancer these days and finding them becomes hard work many times.

One of the most common types of cancer these days is skin cancer and in most cases. The main reason behind it is that people are not taking care of themselves and the sun is not safe. What is important is that if skin cancer is detected over time. It can be treated and treated.

treatment of skin cancer

What is skin cancer?

When skin cells develop uncontrollably, which is not normal it is known as skin cancer. This type of cancer occurs when the DNA of skin cells deteriorates and is not repaired. This can lead to mutations and genetic defects and cause tumors and immorality.

Why immediate treatment of skin cancer is needed:

If the condition is detected in its early stages, it is relatively easy to treat cancer and completely eliminate it. In addition, initial detection will ensure that this condition is not spread to other parts of the body.

To get initial treatment, it is important that you learn to check your skin ، As a result, you will make sure you are already able to detect this condition.

 Types of cancer?

Detecting the type of cancer is the most important step in treating skin cancer. There are actually three types of skin cancer:

Basal Cell Carcinoma ( BCC ): 

This is the most common type of skin cancer compared to other skin cancer types ، In fact, it happens more often than that. This type of cancer is caused by basal cells, which are actually present in the deep layers of the epidermis. The initial offer can be in the form of a collision or wound, which is not fixed. It can also be presented in the form of skin patches, which are red and irritable.

 Most of the time, the skin areas that are permanently exposed to sunlight, such as the face, ears, and skull basal cell carcinoma. If the condition is well diagnosed over time, it is possible to treat and treat it.

Squamous cell carcinoma ( SCC ): 

Starting in squamous cells, this type of cancer is also in the epidermis. The condition can present itself in the form of skin crusting or scaling. This area can be red and swollen and can collide, which is not fine. Although this condition is usually seen in areas that are permanently exposed to sunlight ، it can actually show itself in any part of the body. With initial treatment, the condition can be prevented from spreading.


This is the most dangerous type of skin cancer that is caused by oil skin cells. If the condition is not well assessed within time, it may lead to death۔ However, this type of cancer can be treated with treatment and minor surgery. But if melanoma begins to spread inside the body, it can be very difficult to treat.

 Main treatments for skin cancer:

If the condition is detected within time, there are some procedures and treatments that can treat cancer.

Commonly used procedures include:

Wide local emissions 

Tumors are removed by surgery, and a small portion of the tissues around the tumor are removed.

Mofs Surgery

Skin cancer is removed in exactly the same way

Creus Surgery

Tumors have been destroyed using cold treatment

Laser Surgery 

Cancer cells are vaporized using a laser

Treatment and anxiety

Skin cancer is removed by methods such as scraping and caution

Conditions Chemotherapy 

In the form of recommended drugs, lotions, or creams, will have to be applied to the skin, where cancer has shown itself

Laser treatment for pre-cancer development - a laser is used to relieve skin conditions that can eventually be caused by skin cancer

Photodynamic therapy for pre-cancer development - special drugs, known as photogenic agents ، Connected with mild therapy and are used to eliminate defective cells.

What are the main doss and what are not?

These are the things

Try to minimize the time spent in the sun, especially between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.  When the sun's rays are the strongest.

Wear clothes that will offer protection against the sun, including sunshine and hats with extensive sunshine

Make sure you use sunscreen on a regular basis and make a choice that protects you against UVA as well as UVB.

Feature Avoid maximum synthetic tan, tanning bed, and tanning devices.

 Learn how to recognize ABCD of skin cancer lesions:

A: Unshakable

B: Border irregularities

C: Color change

D: Diameter increase

E: Ending nature

 If you find skin lesions or moles, it would be better to see you immediately with dermatologists.

There are things you should avoid doing:

 If you see a sign of skin cancer, don't ignore them ، And make sure you screen them with a doctor.

 Instead of going to a general practitioner. It would make sense to meet a dermatologist. As they would be able to offer better advice.

 If skin cancer has been diagnosed, do not refrain from asking questions and further treatment.

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