

Advancement in Breast Cancer Treatment

 Advancement in Breast Cancer Treatment

The latest advanced treatments can be a substitute for traditional treatment of breast cancer patients. These treatments are crystalline abalination ( CSA ), seed knife therapy ( Brechi therapy ), perctinosis abalination, joint immunotherapy and targeted chemotherapy.

Advancement in Breast Cancer Treatment

1. Crystalline Ablation ( CSA ):

Creus surgery is a major mitigation technique for tumors. It destroys the tumor with freezing and melting cycles. The devastating effects of crayon surgery on the tumor are due to two major mechanisms, one immediately, the second delay. Quick procedure is a harmful effect of freezing and melting cells. The delay procedure is the progressive failure of microcircling۔ Ultimately, vascular stagnation is operative as a major cause of the destruction of tumor tissues. Once the temperature drops below -40oC, ice particles inside the cells .Can create. 

Once this happens, cell death is almost certain. During Creusa surgery, the progressive failure of microcirculation is due to the wrinkles of events: the destruction of the endochel layer which causes the vessel walls to be unsafe ، Bechwali edema, platelet accumulation, microthrombi, and ultimately vascular congestion and disappearance. It was suggested that during the creosote, the host's immune system was sensitized to the tumor destroyed by the crosori. Any basic tumor tissue that was not eliminated by crossover and metastasis was destroyed by the immune system after creases surgery. This response was called "Crisco Immunological Response".

2. Seed Knife Therapy ( Brachia Therapy )

Seed knife therapy ( Brachia therapy ) is used to treat breast cancer ، Seed transplantation with iodine-125 or palladium 103 seeds ( brachytherapy ) is a highly effective treatment for cancer patients. Breeze therapy does not require a surgical incision, offers patients a short recovery time, and is less likely to disturb its side effects. For example, for prostate cancer, brachy therapy is an external patient procedure and most patients go home with their treatment the same day. 

They can return to their normal activities even a few days after treatment. Seed transplantation takes only 45 minutes to 1 hour. Seed transplantation with iodine-125 seeds gives a lower dose of radiation than the Palladium 103. Because iodine-125 works more than 103 palladium in your body, it is ideal for treating a slowly growing tumor such as highly prostate cancer. 

125 iodine seeds with a half-life of 59 days A short course of gamma ray is underway. Seeds planted in cancerous people and close tissues turn away targeted cells and eventually eliminate cancer. It unnecessarily prevents the whole body from exposed to radiation.

3. Cut

The cell's heating injury begins at 42? 46 46 in just 8 minutes? Do deadly cells need to be killed, and 51? Can be fatal after just 2 minutes. At temperatures above 60? Intracellular proteins are denied ( Total ) Fast, cell membranes are destroyed by dissolving and melting lipid billers, and finally ، Cell death is inevitable. Elimination of radiophonic ( RFA ) is a new technique for treating local tumors for certain organs.

 The injection electrode is converted to a target tumor either by a pectineus, laparoscopic, or ( by operation ) route. RF energy causes tissues around the probe indicator, which heat up to a high temperature above which the cells break and die. To eliminate all cancer cells, the goal is to keep an investigation to eliminate the entire tumor and to eliminate the appropriate "rem" of non-cancer tissues around it" Finish.

4. Common immunotherapy

Immunotherapy, also known as CIC-linked immunotherapy for cancer, has become the focus of cancer researchers. Over the past 10 years, there has been a growing understanding of immuno monitoring and the definition of the mechanism by which tumors avoid its notice. This has led to the development of new anti-cancer strategies, such as immunotherapy ، Which focuses on increasing the body's natural immune functions against cancer cells.

5. Targeted chemotherapy

Targeted chemotherapy can be an alternative because it leaves the least side effect compared to conventional chemotherapy. Targeted treatments are drugs or other substances designed to prevent the growth and spread of cancer by dividing or directly destroying cancer cells. 

Although standard chemotherapy affects all body cells, target therapy directs drugs or other specially formulated substances (۔ ، Immune system protein developed in Lab ) to attack cancer cells. The purpose of target therapy is to interfere with the genes or proteins involved in tumor growth to prevent the spread of the disease.

Targeting specific molecules that are responsible for the development, development and spread of cancer, targeted therapy differs from standard chemotherapy. 

Which militarily attacks the disease and, therefore, harms healthy cells. Because targeted therapy is specifically looking for cancer cells, it is designed to reduce damage to healthy cells ، Which can have less side effects than standard chemotherapy.

Targeted treatments serve as the basis for health-related medicine ، Which use information about the DNA profile of the tumor to identify additional treatment options. Tailored treatments target abnormalities that can be found in the DNA profile of each tumor. This innovation identifies changes designed for the average patient, more precisely than traditional treatment.

Targeted therapy is a developing science, and not all types of cancer can be considered with targeted drugs. Numerous targeted treatments have been approved by the United States. Food and drug administration for use in cancer treatment, including hormone therapy, signal transcension inhibitors, apoptosis endoscer, gene expression modulators ، Including angiogenesis inhibitors and toxins.

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